So, what IS emotional abuse, really?
...and denying their rights, needs, wants, thoughts, feelings AND equality.
many people do not recognize emotional abuse.

Even the United States Marines have called on her for help!
Dr. Shaler particularly helps the partners, exes, and adult children of the relentlessly difficult, toxic people she calls Hijackals® to save their sanity and stop the crazy-making. She defines Hijackals as “people who hijack relationships–for their own purposes–while relentlessly scavenging them for power, status, and control.”
Rhoberta offers the insights, strategies, and support you need to reclaim hope, confidence–and your sanity–when dealing with the constant uncertainty and jaw-dropping behaviors of Hijackals in your life, at home and at work.
How did you get here?
It’s difficult to admit–to yourself and to others –that you are being emotionally abused.
Putting up with it often seems like a less embarrasing alternative to acknowledging that we're being treated poorly.
Maybe, you are sufficiently trauma-bonded to even have sympathy for your abuser. That’s a big red flag that you need to see the emotional abuse for what it is, and take steps to stop tolerating it.
It also can be difficult to redefine the parent or partner who is perpetrating the emotional abuse as abusive. You don’t want to think of them that way, or you care more about their reputation than your own emotional safety.
I know those are tough words to hear.
You think that will make them happy, secure, stable, and kind. It won’t. Emotional abusers are seldom interested in changing themselves because they have a NEED to control. (Sorry. The most likely change is that they get worse.)
Recognize the many sneaky and obvious ways that you may being emotionally abused. On my Save Your Sanity podcast and my YouTube channel, there’s so much for you. I hope you’ll listen, watch, recognize, and know that NO ONE has the right to abuse you.
I’m here to help you gain insights, skills, and strategies to help you say NO! to further emotional abuse. Please start today. You deserve to live without abuse!